Puppy Training Services
Puppy training services provide you with the puppy training information needed to give your puppy the best start in life.
The holistic approach that Pawsome Puppies behavioural and obedience training provides will ensure that you and your puppy not only form the bond you need for life, but have all the information and equipment you need to make that dream a reality.
These puppy training options are recommended for puppies aged 8-16 weeks.

Puppy School Services
Puppy Set-Up
This service is recommended to be done prior to purchasing a puppy or bringing your new puppy home.
Pawsome Puppies dog behavioural trainer will come to your house and advise you of the correct equipment to purchase, how to puppy-proof the house and yard, selecting the correct puppy food(s) and learning the correct feeding techniques and teach you about puppy safety.
This dog behaviourist consultation takes approximately 1 hour. It is recommended that Pawsome Puppies return once you bring your puppy home to complete a puppy training session.
Puppy Set up: From $100.00
Puppy Set up + Puppy training package: From $250.00 (SAVE $50.00)
Puppy Services
In Home Puppy Training
Puppy preschool one-on-one in home training is designed to help puppy owners raise and train their new family addition with a behavioural based puppy training plan.
Our dog behaviorist, will come to you and will cover all areas of dog ownership including training commands, dog etiquette, diet, exercise, making your home a safe environment for your dog to be in and much more.
Puppy preschool sessions are recommended for puppies from 8 weeks to 16 weeks and takes approximately 3 hours.
From $200.00
Puppy Services
Puppy Preschool and Socialisation Group Class
Within a group setting, puppies will be able to socialise together in a controlled environment, once a week, over 3 weeks. This is an important step in your dogs development because there are things, as humans, we cannot teach our dogs.
Allowing your puppy to be part of a dog socialisation group gives the dogs a chance to learn to respect other dog’s boundaries, the owners are able to assess and learn their puppy’s personality and it gives owners an opportunity to learn when they need to intervene in rough play.
Our Pawsome Puppies dog behaviourist will also cover basic puppy obedience training during the course of the sessions, teach the owner about vet check preparations, show techniques for lifting and handling your puppy in a safe way, cover basic dog behavioural training, advise on the appropriate toys bathing products, grooming products, puppy teething as well as health and diet related information, how to familiarise your puppy with its collar and lead, teach owners about the puppy’s living environment and safety, car travel, travel laws and travel safety and much more.
Each session will run for approximately 1 hour and each course runs for 3 weeks.
$150.00 (inclusive of 1 session per week for 3 weeks)
Puppy Services
Real World Puppy Classes
As dog behaviourists we know that you want your dog to be as much a part of your family as the humans, but like humans, outside the dogs home is a whole new world and we need our dogs to behave appropriately.
Pawsome Puppies dog behavioural trainer can help you to train your dog in social situations such as, park etiquette, cafe etiquette, beach etiquette, travelling with your dog, moving house and any time you take your dog outside their regular home.
Real world puppy classes take approximately 2 hours.
From $200
Puppy Services
Online Puppy School Training
At Pawsome Puppies we understand there are situations where we may not be able to come to you in your house, we can offer most of our dog behaviourist services via live streaming on your smart device.
The cost and running times of these online puppy school sessions will vary depending on your needs and most online puppy school sessions will take a little longer doing them online than it would in person.
Puppy Services
Pet Sitter Service
Pets are naturally more comfortable when they are in their normal environment, so next time you are away, talk to us about tailoring a pet sitter service to suit your needs. This pet sitting service can include, feeding your pets, dog walking, attending your house to spend time with your animals and much more.
Contact us for a tailored pet sitting quote.
Puppy Services
Dog Walking Service
This dog walking service service is designed for busy pet owners and anyone needing a little help to ensure that their dog is getting the exercise and socialisation that they require.
After an initial assessment to determine your dog’s behaviour on a leash and social etiquette, Pawsome Puppies dog trainers will tailor a schedule to suit you and your dog’s needs.
From $20.00
Puppy Services
Pet Transport Service
This pet transport service is for anyone who requires help in getting your pets around!
At Pawsome Puppies dog school, we can help with pet transportation to vet appointments, grooming appointments, emergency transportation, airport transfers and more!
Pet transport prices are by a case to case basis.